
This is how we work with The 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Our company is deeply committed to the UN’s 17 World Goals, and a dedicated employee serves as our internal “World Goal Ambassador.”

We conduct monthly reviews of our progress, making any necessary adjustments to ensure we stay on track. Our focus is on tangible, practical efforts rather than mere rhetoric.

Here are some examples of the initiatives we’re currently working on.

FN´s Verdensmål
Sustainable Development Goals
1. No poverty
  • We assist in fundraising for various humanitarian organizations.
  • After finishing the game Backpack Builders, all the backpacks are donated.
2. Zero hunger
  • Our lunch scheme has a strong focus on reducing food waste.

3. Good health and well-being
  • For our lunch program, we purchase ingredients that are low in fat and diverse in variety.
  • After lunch, we take a daily walk.
  • We provide a weekly activity called “Monday exercise” every Monday, typically involving a group run.
  • We frequently count our steps and engage in exercise runs.
  • Every day, we take vitamin pills, and each has a designated day to provide water for our colleagues.
  • Every morning, we observe silence and follow the Pomodoro technique to manage our work efficiently.
  • Our goal is to reduce the amount of internal meetings that are held.
4. Quality education
  • We have a student place (as event coordinator).
  • We provide motivated local children and young people with the chance to participate in work placements or visits.
  • We work together with students on assignments and projects that are related to their studies.

5. Gender equality
  • Our visual communication features both men and women.
  • Our board consists of both male and female members.
  • In recent years, our games have undergone rewriting and adaptation to allow for gender-inclusive roles that can be performed by both women and men.

6. Clean water and sanitation
  • We have an auto stop on the majority of our faucet
  • We have toilets with low water consumption.
  • We wash the company’s cars in the Nordic Swan-label car wash.

7. Affordable and clean energy
  • We buy green electricity.
  • We use energy-saving light bulbs throughout the company.
  • We turn off the power when we are not using it.
  • We switch off the coffee machine when it has been brewed and pour it into a thermos.
  • Our heating is sensor-controlled.
  • In our warehouse, all lighting is sensor-controlled.
  • Our buildings are new, well insulated and have low energy consumption. 
  • We have new and energy-efficient hot water tanks.
  • Our cars are new and have good fuel economy.

8. Decent work and economic growth
  • We strongly focus on creating a varied working day for the employees.
  • Whenever possible, we use labour from Odense Arrest, where inmates pack selected props and game parts for us.

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • We train other companies in innovation via the Inventor Lab game.

10. Reduced inequalities
  • We currently do not have specific areas of focus.

11. Sustainable cities and communities
  • We shop locally whenever possible.
  • We sort our waste (also several years before it became a requirement).

12. Responsible consumption and production
  • We buy in good quality so that the items can be reused as much as possible for several events.

13. Climate action
  • We offer several virtual games where the climate pressure is minimal.
  • We offer homework on days when it is not necessary to be in the office. This saves on transport to and from work.
  • We only wash clothes when we can fill an entire machine.
  • We air dry our clothes instead of tumble drying.

14. Life below water
  • We currently do not have specific areas of focus.

15. Life on land
  • All papers for our games and other printed matter are Swan-labelled and FSC-labelled.
  • We print double-sided whenever possible and scan rather than copy.

16. Peace, justice and institutions
  • We currently do not have specific areas of focus.

17. Partnerships for the goals
  • We currently do not have specific areas of focus.

About The Global Goals

The UN’s Global Goals are a set of 17 goals and 169 sub-goals, representing the most ambitious global development agenda to date. These Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by heads of state and government at the UN summit in New York on 25 September 2015, and mark an unprecedentedly ambitious and transformative development agenda.

These goals aim to set us on a course towards more sustainable development for both people and the planet we live on, and have been in force since 1 January 2016, with a deadline of 2030. The global goals comprise 17 specific goals and 169 sub-goals, which require all 193 member states of the UN to work towards abolishing poverty and hunger in the world, reducing inequalities, ensuring good education and better health for all, creating decent jobs, and promoting more sustainable economic growth. Additionally, they focus on promoting peace, security, and strong institutions, and on strengthening international partnerships. The agenda recognizes that social, economic, and environmental development, peace, security, and international cooperation are closely linked, and that it requires an integrated effort to achieve sustainable development results.