Træn samarbejde og teamudvikling med virksomhedsspillet DILEMMA - virtuel udgave
Træn samarbejde og teamudvikling med virksomhedsspillet DILEMMA - virtuel udgave
Lykke & Co. A/S
Træn samarbejde og teamudvikling med virksomhedsspillet DILEMMA - virtuel udgave
Træn samarbejde og teamudvikling med virksomhedsspillet DILEMMA - virtuel udgave

Develop workplace culture skills and make everyone a trailblazer of office culture

  • 6-500+
  • 60-300 min. (as desired)
  • English, Danish, LIVE subtitling and translation

Develop workplace culture skills – and make everyone a trailblazer of office culture.

The game provides an understanding for different perspectives and teaches that challenges can be overcome in various ways. Through this, participants learn more about each other, their company’s culture and values thereby creating a communal frame of reference. After having completed DILEMMA, you will often have several concrete suggestions that create value and are easy to implement in the workplace.

In the game DILEMMA the participants train one another in your company culture and values via a selection of fictional but realistic and work-related dilemmas.

The participants meet virtually and will be presented with different exciting dilemmas throughout the game. In groups, the participants must share opinions and perspectives, before they agree on what they think would be ‘best practice’ at your company. DILEMMA is a dialogue game that makes use of what is called cognitive behavior training. Once we have discussed it with our company’s culture and values in mind, add our practical experience and bring our imagination into play – it will be much easier to deal with a situation, when it happens in real life. In DILEMMA, we use simple game elements so that everything is happening in a safe environment with room for different opinions. We will adapt the game specifically to your event based on occasion, the desired outcome, duration and more.

Efter vores facilitator har introduceret jer til spillet og rammerne, starter vi ud med en række hurtige dilemmaer, der har til formål at sætte stemningen og få sænket paraderne.

Herefter venter et antal runder, hver med et dilemma, der relaterer sig til kulturen på arbejdspladsen. Dilemmaerne kan omhandle forskellige temaer f.eks. samarbejde, kommunikation, kundeservice, bæredygtighed og remote work. Vi tilpasser efter jeres ønsker.

Vi sammensætter runderne, så de er forskellige i varighed og i måden dilemmaerne behandles på.

DILEMMA er udformet så alle kommer til orde undervejs og deltagerne ikke påvirker hinanden. Eksempelvis skal deltagerne i visse dilemmaer anonymt angive, hvilken svarmulighed de hælder mest til. Drøftelserne foregår under et regelsæt, så den gode tone bevares undervejs i hele forløbet, og det er let at tale om svære emner. Af samme grund er alle dilemmaer fiktive, men med mulighed for at drage paralleller til egen hverdag.

Deltagerne vil undervejs identificere konkrete forslag, der kan bidrage til den “best practice” man er nået frem til på holdene. Forslagene skal være i overensstemmelse med jeres kultur og værdier – hvad enten I har nedskrevne værdier eller ej. Forslagene vurderes samtidigt ud fra værdi og sandsynligheden for at implementeringen bliver succesfuld. Undervejs I spillet får grupperne mulighed for at stemme på hinandens forslag.

Efter at have gennemført DILEMMA vil man ofte have en række konkrete forslag, der både skaber værdi og er lette at implementere på arbejdspladsen.

The course of action in DILEMMA:

1. We send a link

We send you a link to the virtual meeting room well before we meet. It is easy for everyone to access. We will be ready by the phone if there are any unexpected technical problems.

2. Relevant and educational dilemmas

The participants will work with realistic but fictional dilemmas thorugh different methods. The participants will work with concrete and practical suggestions that can be implemented.

3. Today's trailblazers of culture

Lessons are learned, votes and points are tallied and we announce today’s trailblazer of culture.

We take care of the gaming environment from start to finish. The game is facilitated virtually LIVE and our facilitator instructs and guides you as you play.

Everything takes place in our online meeting room and no preparation is required for the participants. Participants simply need to have access to a computer with Internet access and a camera.

As DILEMMA is adapted to the specific desire of outcome, duration, and which topics should be in focus, the game has a lot of possible uses.

The game can be used by all organizations that proactively wish to train employees in different challenges and problems before they occur. The participants get to know each other better, the culture and values of your company, and this will create a common framework.

All employees can participate in DILEMMA as equals.

Spillet kan gennemføres rent virtuelt eller som et hybrid arrangement, hvor nogle er samlet fysisk, mens andre deltager virtuelt.

The game can for example, be used as:

  • An activity during i.e. a staff meeting or a strategy day.
  • Concrete team building exercise.
  • A focus on service in the organization.
  • A short break during an online meeting.
  • Introducing new employees.
  • Kick-starting a project.
  • Creating new energy in the organization.
  • Creating common directions.
  • An entertaining element with ethical/moral/entertaining dilemmas.

Your benefits in DILEMMA:

  • Understanding of others’ views.
  • Relationships with one’s colleagues are strengthened.
  • Focus on company culture and values.
  • Common framework in solving work-related dilemmas.
  • Common frame of reference regardless of position in the organization.
  • Concrete ideas to actions that are based on common direction.
  • Together – individually.
  • Collaborate in a different and virtual way.
  • Train and strengthen collaboration in groups.
  • Serve as an entertaining event.

The aim of the game:

  • Work-related dilemmas are discussed in a safe game-environment before they happen.
  • Provide understanding for one another’s perspectives, and why others might act differently than one self.
  • Create a sense of community and gain knowledge of your company’s direction and values.
  • Make your company’s value concrete as well as how to work on the values.
  • Inspire each other to solve things in new ways.
  • Demonstrate that challenges often can be solved in many ways, and that diversity makes your company strong.

We use Zoom primarily as the platform for our games. Participants can join via their browser without downloading anything. If you do not have Zoom on your computer, you can access the meeting link by a web browser without downloading anything.
Zoom also provides a series of necessary features during the game, such as breakout rooms, main rooms, team division, etc.   

Depending on the number of participants etc., other platforms, such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Webex, or any other platform, can be utilized.

After booking and before your event, you will receive the platform link, which you can share with the participants.

We control the technical aspect of assigning teams to breakout rooms and gathering everyone again.

On the event day, we will open the meeting room well before the game starts so participants can meet and chat together before we start.
The participants will also have a phone number they can call if they, against all expectations, have any technical troubles.

Virtualteambuilding.eu has been providing entertaining events since 2020, and since then, we have facilitated thousands of games for people all over the world.

We have entertained from east to west, night to day, and time zone to time zone, for small and larger groups, well-known international franchises, and smaller local companies.   

Nothing is more important to us than providing the highest quality events that surpass our customer's expectations. This is reflected in our 4,9 out of 5-star rating, bestowed upon us from past customers.   

We employ talented facilitators and cultivate internal procedures to ensure our games are held to the highest standard.

If you are part of an organization that might have booked with us previously, then contact us for an internal reference. 

Still need convincing? Then have a look at some of our previous references left by past customers.

What edition should we choose?
Our standard and premium editions are the most popular, but if you are a smaller team and the event is set to take place at the beginning of the week, the light edition might be the right choice for you.
We are always ready to help and will gladly go through the contents and differences of the various editions with you.

Can we get an offer?
Of course! If you would like an offer for a specific game, please don’t hesitate to contact us at hello@virtualteambuilding.eu or give us a call at +45 71 91 81 81. Alternatively, fill out an inquiry form on our website, and we will email you an offer. You can easily share it with your coworkers should you wish to discuss it. We are always happy to elaborate on the offer by phone or in a virtual meeting.

How do we book?
In the box on the right, choose the edition and a participant interval, then click “Book now.” Then follow the guide. You are always welcome to contact us via mail or by phone.

What is my role after I’ve booked?
After you have booked and before the event, we’ll discuss the practical details, such as number of teams, platform, and so on, with you to secure the details. On the day of the event, you can sit back and enjoy it with everyone else, as we’ll take care of everything.

When will the meeting room open?
We always make sure the meeting room is open long before the game so that you can chat with your colleagues before the event. After the event, we can make you the host so that you can continue chatting after the game.

How do we sort the teams?
We can sort them randomly on the day, or you can sort them beforehand and send them to us, and we’ll place the players into the right teams.

Are you green?
At virtual teambuilding.eu, we do our bit to ensure sustainability. We actively work with the 17 Global Goals to help the planet and ensure social equality. Read more about how we work with sustainability.

When and how do I pay?
Your invoice will be sent electronically after booking. It is payable with a credit card or via wire transfer. 

I still have questions
Should you still have any questions, please email us at hello@virtualteambuilding.eu or call us at +45 71 91 81 81, and we will be happy to assist you.

Price: 590 EUR

How to order

Light edition includes

  • Daytime hours Monday - Wednesday
  • Duration 60 - 90 min. (as desired)
  • Virtual meeting room
  • Complete game / process with everything needed
  • Outstanding sets
  • Exciting dilemmas
  • Guided from start to finish
  • LIVE facilitator
  • Identify specific actions
  • Reflection process / anchoring
  • Trailblazers of culture Award
  • Written summary
  • Advanced language options

Price: 850 EUR

How to order

Standard edition includes

  • Available all week
  • Duration 60 - 120 min. (as desired)
  • Virtual meeting room
  • Complete game / process with everything needed
  • Outstanding sets
  • Exciting dilemmas
  • Guided from start to finish
  • LIVE facilitator
  • Identify specific actions
  • Reflection process / anchoring
  • Trailblazers of culture Award
  • Written summary
  • Advanced language options

Price: 1.190 EUR

How to order

Premium edition includes

  • Available all week
  • Duration 90 - 180 min. (as desired)
  • Virtual meeting room
  • Complete game / process with everything needed
  • Outstanding sets
  • Exciting dilemmas
  • Guided from start to finish
  • LIVE facilitator
  • Identify specific actions
  • Reflection process / anchoring
  • Trailblazers of culture Award
  • Written summary
  • Advanced language options

Book without any worries

  • Price Match Guarantee
  • Flexible number of participants
  • Change date free of charge
  • Pay as you prefer